Rice cultivation (English)-1


Botanical nameOryza sativa


Origen Indo Burma

v  Importance-

F The inflorescence of paddy is called panicle.

F Protein – Orygenin

F Bonnie Jean Dee-gee-woo

F Magic Rice Variety of the World - IR-8

F India's magic rice variety – Jaya

F Paddy is the staple food of 60% of the world's population.

F The amount of protein in paddy is found to be the lowest in comparison to other food grains, 6-7% in white paddy and 7-8% in brown paddy.

F Maximum 5000 liters of water is required to produce one kg of paddy whereas 400 to 500 liters of water is sufficient for wheat and barley.

F Paddy is a self-pollinated crop.

F The ratio of paddy grain and husk is 66% or 2/3 ratio.

F Paddy is a short-day plant and is a C3 plant.

F The aroma in paddy is due to diacetyl-1-propylene.

F The test weight or test weight of paddy grains is 25 grams, that of Basmati paddy is 21 grams.

F For normal 1 hectare paddy sowing, nursery area of 1000 m2 is sufficient. Methane gas comes out in the paddy field.

F After 25 to 30 days of sowing paddy with paddy, plowing the standing paddy crop and mixing it in the soil is called brown manuring.

F Paddy is a semi-submerged plant and oxygen is absorbed by the Arechymatous tissues present in the leaves.

v  Climate -

F Paddy is a plant of warm climate, requiring an average temperature of 210 C to 310 C. The productivity of paddy in India is highest in Punjab.

v  Classification -

F The genus Oryza of paddy has 24 species, of which 2 are cultivated.

A.   Oryza sativa - It has 3 subspecies. This is the dual 2n = 24.

1.   Indica - This rice grown in India belongs to the Indica subspecies. This species shows inactivity towards food fertilizers.

2.   Japonica - Species related to this are produced in Japan. These subspecies are grown in tropical and hot and cold areas. The highest productivity is of this species.

3.   Javanica - These subspecies are mainly found in Indonesia; it is also called sand paddy.

B.   Oryza glaberrima - This species is grown only in South Africa.

v  Soil -

F Smooth matiyar or matiyar loam land is best for paddy cultivation because it has high water holding capacity.

F Paddy can be cultivated in acidic land whose pH value is suitable between 4 to 6.5.

F Paddy is cultivated in North East India in three seasons, its classification is based on harvesting -

1.   Aus - in West Bengal and Bihar

Sowing - May-June

Harvesting - September-October

2.   Aman - Sowing in June-July

Harvesting - November-December

3.   Boro - Daluva, Orissa - November-December

Harvesting - March-April

v  Importance

þ  TN-1 dwarf variety was first introduced in India in 1964.

þ  IR-8 The magic rice of the world was imported to India in 1965.

þ  The first Indian high yielding semi-dwarf variety Jaya was developed in India in 1968 by Dr. Shastri.

þ  Jaya variety of paddy yielded more than both TN-1 and IR-8 foreign varieties; hence Jaya variety is called India's magic paddy.

þ  Mahi Sugandha - Developed from Agriculture Research Station, Banswara, Rajasthan. Jagannath and Satari are the first mutated varieties of paddy.

þ  Bala variety is suitable for direct sowing of paddy.

þ  The salinity resistant varieties are Luni Shree and IR-8.

þ  Hybrid rice varieties were developed in China in 1976 by Prof. Long Ping Yan, hence known as Father of Hybrid Rice in the world.

þ  The first hybrid rice variety in India was CORH-1 (MGR-1) in 1994.

þ  The work of developing hybrid rice varieties like Pusa Basmati-1, Pusa 2-21 and DRRH-1 in India was done by E.A. Siddiqui did it, that's why he is called Mr. Rice of India and Father of Hybrid Rice in India.

þ  World's first hybrid Basmati variety - PRH -10

þ  World's first high yielding dwarf variety of paddy - Pusa Basmati-1

þ  Blast resistant variety - Sabarmati

Ø  Super Rice - High yielding variety, giving 10 -15% more yield than normal varieties, developed by Dr. GS Khush from IRRI, Manila, Philippines.

Ø  Golden rice - two genes related to the biological synthesis of beta-carotene, obtained from daffodil - plant and erwinia - from bacteria, were inserted into the plant by genetic technology to meet the deficiency of vitamin A.

Ingo potrykus and peter beyer developed golden rice in the 1990s.

It is also called genetically modified crop.

v  Seed rate: -

F By sowing - 60 -80 kg/ha

F By Broadcasting method - 100 kg / ha

F Hybrid Paddy - 15 -20 kg/ha

F Nursery to - 1.5 to 3 kg /m2

v  Methods of nursery preparation -

1.   Wet bed method

þ  1000 m2 area for 1 hectare

þ  Seed rate 40-50 kg

þ  Transplanting - After 20-25 days or when 3-4 leaves appear.

2.   Depong Method -

þ  Most widely adopted in the Philippines.

þ  Seedlings ready after 11-14 days.

þ  25 -30 m2 area for transplanting in 1 hectare.

þ  Seed rate - 1.5 to 3 kg /M2

þ  Covering jute bags or polythene on pucca floor.

3.   SRI method (System of Rice Intensification)-

þ  This method was developed in Madagascar.

þ  In 1983, Father Henri U Louleny invented the technique.

þ  In this, seeds, water and time are saved and chemicals are used very less.

þ  Plants are transplanted at 25 X 25 cm.

þ  Nursery - 100 m2 - 5 kg seed



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