Rice cultivation (English) - 2
v Manures and Fertilizers: -
F Nitrogen 100 kg Phosphorus 60 kg Potash 60 kg per hectare.
F ZnSo4 @25 kg /hac for Khera disease control.
F The most suitable nitrogen fertilizer ammonium sulfate.
F Leaf color chart (LCC) is used to determine the amount of
F Bacterial fertilizers such as Azolla, blue green algae and
azotobacter are important in paddy crop.
F Blue green algae -20 -30 kg /hac/yr do nitrogen fixation.
v Irrigation: -
F Water Demand -900-2500 MM
F There should always be 5 cm of water in the fields.
F Puddling: - Plowing the soil with the help of a puddler in the state of
standing water before sowing of paddy is called paddling. Its main objective is
to control weeds in the crop and increase the availability of nutrients.
F In puddling, two zones develop - the upper zone of the field
which is 1 to 10 mm or 1 centimeter in which the amount of oxygen is called the
oxidized zone, while the lower zone where oxygen is absent is called reduced.
The area is called the Reduced Zone.
F Nitrogen fertilizer is used in paddy crop in ammoniacal form
which is applied in this area.
v Weed: -
F Wild Rice - Echinocloa colonum
F Sava grass - Echinocloa crusgaili. These two are the main
F Beushining is the process of
removing weeds or excess plants by running a cross plow in a standing paddy
v Weed Management: -
F Propenyl (Stam F-34) - Used
in post planting or post germination (PoE) application of paddy.
F Benthiocarb - 2 kg per
hectare active element is used from germination.
F Butachlor - 1.5 kg per hectare
before seedling application.
v Pest management: -
Yellow stem borer of
paddy (Tryporiza incertulus) –
ü It is a major pest of paddy, its stalk pierces the stem of the
plant and dries up the main shoot, which is called dead heart.
ü In those plants which are attacked by pests early, the earrings
are left without grains, which is called white ear. Basmati variety of paddy is
affected the most by this.
ü Control: - Spray Cartop
Hydrochloride 4 G @ 2.5 kg /hac.
Paddy smelly bug (Leptocorisa
acuta) – This insect gives off a foul smell when touched, hence its name
as smelly bug. To control it, apply Malathion 50 EC - 625 ml / ha.
Rice bollworm (Diclodispa
Green Leaf Hopper (Nephottefix
Paddy gall midge (Orseolia
v Disease Management: ‑
1. Brown leaf spot disease of paddy: -
ü C.O.- Helminthosporium oryzae
ü Other names - Drechslera oryze and Cochliobolus
ü In 1943 there was a famine in Bengal due to this disease. That's
why it is called Bengal famine.
ü Due to lack of potash.
ü Mancozeb 0.25% should be sprayed for its treatment.
2. Rice blast disease: -
ü CO - Pyricularia oryzae fungus
ü When this disease is more severe, the entire crop appears burnt.
ü This disease appears at the stage of budding and spreads more at
20-22 0C.
ü For its treatment, spraying should be done by mixing 500 grams
of carbendazim in 500 liters of water.
3. Bacterial leaf blight disease –
ü Xanthomonas oryzae bacteria
ü Ooze test is used to detect bacterial diseases in plants.
ü It is also called Kresek's disease when it occurs in nursery
ü Spraying of 0.01% streptocycline and 0.3% copper oxychloride.
4. Tungro disease of paddy: -
ü Virus borne disease
ü Spread by the green plant hopper (Nephottetix virscence).
ü Rice tungro spherical virus
(RTSV) and Rice tungro bacilliform virus (RTBV) are caused by two types
of viruses.
ü Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)Test for the detection of virus-borne diseases in
5. Khaira disease of paddy: -
ü Zinc deficiency causes
ü This disease was first detected in 1966 by Y L Nene
in Pantnagar.
ü Symptoms - Appear in 2 -3 weeks after sowing.
ü Brown colored spots appear on the husks. Plant growth stops.
ü Use 5 kg Zinc sulphate /hac.
v Harvesting: -
F Different varieties of paddy ripen in about 100-150 days.
F The water should be drained out before 10 -15 days.
F Paddy should be dried to 14% moisture.
v Yield: -
F Average yield -35 -45 quintal /hac
F From dwarf varieties - 50 -80 quintals /hac
F From hybrid varieties - 60 - 70 quintals /hac
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