Soyabean Cultivation (English)
Lecture – 6
B.N.- Glycine max
Family – Leguminaceae
Origin- South east Asia (China)
v Introduction
F It is also known as Wonder Crop, King of Legume, Yellow Jewel.
F Soybean is a pulse and oil seed crop.
F Soybean has the first place in the source of vegetable oil.
F USA ranks first in soybean production in the world.
F In India, Madhya Pradesh is first, Maharashtra is second and
Rajasthan is third.
F Its fruit is called pod.
F Soybean is a C3, short day dominant and self-pollinated plant.
F Protein 40-42%, oil 18-20%, calcium and phosphorus 11.5% are
found in soybean grains.
F The highest amount of lysine is found in soybean protein.
F Greenness in soybean is due to chlorophyll and yellowness is due
to anthocyanin pigments.
v Climate
F Soybean requires a temperature of 20-32 degrees Celsius for seed
F Soybean requires an average temperature of 24-28 degrees
F It can be easily planted in places with 62 -75 cm annual
v Soil
F Loam, clay loam and light soils with proper drainage are
suitable for soybean cultivation.
F The pH value of the soil should be 6.5 -7.5.
v Seed rate & Sowing time
ü 70-80 kg/ha
ü Spacing-30-45*15-20 cm
ü Per hac. Number of plants – 3 lakh
ü Sowing depth - 3-4 cm
ü Sowing time – 15 June to 15 July
ü Seed Treatment - FIR method - Use Rhizobium Japonicum
ü Irrigation - should be done before flowering and at the time of
pod formation.
v Varieties
ü T-49, T-1, Monetto, RKS-24, RKS-113, NRC-12, Durga, Punjab-1, Ankur
ü Import variety from USA - Bragg, Lee, Kent, Clark-63, Black
v Sowing method
§ Broadcasting
§ Seed drill method
v Fertilizers and manure
ü 10 -12 tons of cow dung manure
25-30kg N
60-70 kg P
30-40 kg K
25 kg Zinc
v Weed Management
ü At the time of sowing, sprinkle 2.5 liters of fluchloralin and
basalin in 500-600 liters of water.
v Disease Management
Charcoal rot – caused by a fungus
called Mascrophomina phaseoline.
Seed treatment - Carbendazim 2-3 g/kg seed
Yellow disease - caused by deficiency of
iron and zinc.
Spraying of 0.5% ferrous sulphate
Yellow mosaic
In this disease, white fly acts as a carrier.
Spraying of Dimethoate @2-3 ml/lit
v Insect Management
Girdle beetle - Obesia bravis
In early crops it makes holes in the pods and eats the seeds.
Spraying of Dimethoate @2-3 ml/lit
Tobacco caterpillar: - Spodoptera lintura
This insect spread as an epidemic on soybean crop in Rajasthan
in the year 2001.
v Yield
30-35 quintals/hac
Seeds should be stored at 10% moisture.
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