Groundnut cultivation (English) - 2
v Disease management: -
Tikka disease –
F This disease is caused by fungus called Cercospora personeta
and Cercospora arachidicola.
F Cercospora personeta attacks
husbands late and is more harmful.
F Control – Seed treatment with Carbendazim 3 gm/kg or spraying
Mancozeb @ 1.5 kg/hac 40 days after sowing.
Coller rot disease-
F By a fungus called Aspergillus niger
F Other names – seedling blight or crown rot
F Control – Treat seeds with Trichoderma 6 kg, spray Carbendazim
0.3% on plants and ground.
Rossette disease –
F This disease is caused by GRAV (Groundnut rosette assistor
virus). Aphid is the carrier of this virus.
Bud necrosis –
F Death of the upper bud of the plant.
F This disease is caused by GBNV virus which is spread by thrips.
F Control – Spraying of dimethonate.
v Insect management –
White grub (Holotrachia
F Use 25 kg/hac of phorate methate 10 G before sowing.
F Seeds are treated with chloropyriphos at 450 ml/100 kg.
Bihar hairy caterpillar –
F There are black spots on its wings.
F It eats away the upper surface of the husks.
F To prevent this, spraying of 0.15% monocrotophosan 35% EC
Termite (Odentotermis
F This insect eats the roots of plants from inside the soil.
F To prevent this, before sowing, Carboril 5% dust should be
applied in the furrows at the rate of 25 kg/hac.
v Yield –
F From tufted species – 8-10 quantal/hac.
F From spreading species – 12 quantal/hac
F From irrigated areas -30 quantal/hac
F After harvesting, the crop should be dried for a week. When the
moisture remains at 9-10%, then the pods should be separated from the plants.
F Beans should not have more than 5% moisture at the time of
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