Pearlmillet Cultivation (English) - I

                                                                     Pearl millet

Crop name     -    Pearl millet

Botanical Name - Pennisitum glucum

Family – Graminea /Poaceae

Origen - Africa

v  Introduction

F Most drought tolerant crop among cereals and millets.

F Sensitive to water logging and acidic soils.

F Pearl millet is cross pollinated crop.

F In pearl millet found 11.5% protein, 67% carbohydrates, and 2.7% minerals.

F Bajra's water requirement is the lowest 250 mm.

F Temperature require for growth in pearl millet is 25-30.

F Rajasthan ranks first in the area and production of millet in the country.

v  Climate-

F It is a rapid growing; warm weather crop and it has resistance for drought.

F The best temperature is between 20 to 30 .

F it is highly suitable for the areas having rainfall ranges from 400-700 mm.

F Rainfall during vegetative phase is highly favourable, while rainfall at flowering is not conducive, as it washes off the pollen and there is a poor seed setting.

v  Soil-

F It is grown in a wide variety of soil, but being sensitive to water logging.

F It grows well in well drained sandy loams.

F It is sensitive to acidic soil.

F It is grown successfully in black cotton soil, alluvial soil and red soil of India.

v  Seed rate and Sowing-

F Seed rate - 4-5 kg/hac

F For transplanting - 2 kg/hac (Nursry 10x1 M)

F Plant population - 166000 plants/hac

F Spacing - 45x15 cm

F Depth    - 2-3 cm 

F Sowing time - Mid June to Mid July

F Seed treatment - By Thiram, Agroson GN, Captan, Seresan @ 2.5g/kg

v  Land Preparation-

F Deep ploughing with iron plough is to be done twice to bring fine tilth.

F If there is hard pan, chisel ploughing is done

F 2 Cultivator

F One leveller

v  Varieties-

F Pusa Moti (By ICAR)

F HB-1(Hybrid Bajra-1)  1965 by PAU Ludhiyana

F HHB-67

F RHB-30

F WCC-75

F BJ-104

F RAJ-171

F HS-1

v  Fertilizers and Manure

F 10-12 t/hac FYM/compost is applied last Ploughing.

F Hybrids: -    80-90 kg/hac N

40-50 kg/hac P

40 kg/hac K        

F Desi variety: - 80 kg/hac N

40 kg/hac P

40 kg/hac K

F 1/3 part of N at sowing time with full dose of P and K.

F 1/3 part of N after 20-25 DAS (Top dressing)

F 1/3 part of N at Panicle Initiation stage.



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