Maize crop cultivation - II (English)


v  Time of sowing -

F In rabi - mid-October to end of November.

F in Zayed - in February-March

F Kharif - Maize is sown in June-July.

v  Seed rate

F Seed rate of hybrid maize - 20 to 25 Kg per hectare

F Packaged Maize 18 to 20 Kg per hectare

F 20 to 25 Kg per hectare of Zayed Maize

F 40 to 45 Kg per hectare for fodder

F Sweet corn 8 Kg per hectare

F Popcorn 12 Kg per hectare seed is required.

v  Seed treatment - Seeds should be treated with Thiram or Vitavex at the rate of 1.5 to 2 grams per kg.

v  Spacing: -

F 60*25 cm for irrigated areas

F 45*20 cm for unirrigated areas

F 75*25cm for sweet corn

F A distance of 30 * 10 cm is kept for fodder.

v  Manure and Fertilizer: - In 1 hac a good crop of maize takes 125 kg of nitrogen, 60 kg of phosphorus, 75 kg of potash from the soil. FYM - 10 to 15 tons per hectare.

v  Water Management - 50 to 70 cm of water is required in the entire life span of maize. Water demand - Irrigation is required at the time of initial growth, at the time of flowering, at the time of grain formation and at the time of tassle.

v  Weed control - Weeds in maize reduce the yield of maize by 50 to 60%. For weed control, atrazine and simazine at the rate of 1-1.2 kg per hectare mixed with 1000 liters of water are sprayed immediately after sowing.

v  Pest Control: -

F Stem borer - This insect causes maximum damage to the maize crop. Its outbreak appears after 30 to 35 days of sowing.

F Military insect - This insect attacks at night.

F Aphid - Attacks at the time of flowering.

F Wheat boll worms: - Thiodon 1.5 liters or Carboryl 2 kg dissolved in 1000 liters of water is sprayed after 15 days of sowing.

v  Disease Control: -

F Seed rot and seedling blight - Seeds rot from this disease. To prevent this, seeds are treated with Thiram @ 3 grams per kg.

F Downy mildew - Due to this disease, there is a loss of chlorophyll, due to which white stripes are formed on the leaves.

v  Harvesting - Maize is harvested in 90 to 100 days after sowing. When the grains have 20 to 25% moisture.

v  Yield

F Hybrid Maize 50 to 60 quantal /hac

F Packaged Maize 40 to 50 quintal per hectare

F Green fodder 300 to 400 per hectare


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