AGRON 222 All important questions of Old papers (English)


1.   Critical stages of irrigation in wheat: -

First irrigation - 21 days later - CRI stage

2nd irrigation - 40 - 45 days later - tillering stage

Third irrigation - 60 - 65 days later - Late jointing stage

Fourth irrigation - 80 - 85 days later - Flowering stage

Fifth irrigation - 100 - 105 days later - Milking stage

6th irrigation - 115 -120 days later - Dough stage

2.   Barley classification: -

Hordeum vulgare (Six rowed barley)

Hordeum distican (Two rowed barley)

Hordeum regular (Two rowed barley)

3.   Seed rate and sowing time of Taramira: -

Seed rate - 5 kg/ha

Sowing time - 15 September to 15 October

4.   Crop Logging: - Crop logging refers to the system of monitoring the progress of a crop by a series of physical and chemical measurements. It basically analyzes the nutritional status of a plant.

5.   FIRB method in wheat: - In furrow irrigated raised bed (FIRB) system, water runs horizontally from the furrows into the beds (subbing) and is drawn upward in the bed towards the soil surface by capillarity, evaporation and transpiration, and is pulled downward by the massive gravity.

6.   Importance of sulfur in oilseed crops: - Sulfur plays an important role in the synthesis of plant proteins, amino acids, some vitamins and enzymes, photosynthesis, energy metabolism, carbohydrate production, synthesis of proteins.

7.    Control of Orobanki in Mustard: - Orobanki is a full root parasitic weed of Mustard, for its prevention Glyphosat 0.2% herbicide should be sprinkled.

8.   Salt tolerant variety of wheat: - Job- 666, Durgapura-65, Sujata

9.   Maturity of sugarcane: - Sugarcane ripens in 10-12 months in North India and in 18-20 months in South India.

10. Two early varieties of potato: - Kufri Ashoka, Kufri Jyoti, Kufri Alankar

11. Ratooning in sugarcane: - Ratooning is an ancient method of propagation in sugarcane in which underground buds on the stalk (the part of the cane remaining underground after harvesting) give rise to a new crop, commonly called 'ratoon' or 'stubble crop' Is.

12. Frost Management in Potato: - Mulching of potatoes reduces the chances of frost damage to the tubers as the layer of soil covering the plant parts below the soil surface provides protection from frost.

13. Seed treatment method in gram & Pea: - By FIR (Fungicide + Insecticide + Rhizobium culture) method. Trichoderma culture 6 g/kg or Carbendazim 3 g/kg + Chloropyriphos 4 - 5 ml /kg seed + Rhizobium 3 packets/ha.

14. Blind hoeing: -The hoeing is done after sowing of the sugarcane called blind hoeing. When, the crop is not germinated due to some reasons like rainfall just after sowing of the crop and formed hard surface crust. To break this layer, the blind hoeing is done.

15. Nipping: - It is a special cultivation practice of plucking the apical buds of the crop at about 30-40 days after sowing. Nipping stops the apical growth and promotes the lateral branching, thus the plants become more vigorous and produce more flowers and pods and yield per plant is increased.

16. Seed rate and sowing time of safflower: -

Seed rate - 10-15 kg/hac.

Sowing time - 25th September to 10th October

17. Nutrient management in lentil: - Generally Nitrogen 20 kg. Phosphorus 40 kg. and Sulphur 20 kg. per hectare in medium to low fertile soils as basal dressing. In lentil grown in calcareous alluvial soils, apply 1.6 kg of Boron per ha as basal to each crop. In soils, low in Zn, soil application of 20 kg Zinc Sulphate is recommended under rainfed and late sown condition; foliar spray of 2% urea improves yield.

18. Seed rate and plant geometry for sunflower: -

5-6 kg/ha seed for rainfed crop and 4-5 kg/ha for irrigated crop

Plant geometry- 74074 plants/hac.

19. Citronella oil and its uses: - Citronella oil is often used as an insect repellent, although research has indicated it may also have antifungal properties and help with wound healing. Citronella used as a pesticide. This plant contains citronellol which causes a distinctive odor and is disliked by insect pests. This odor can irritate and reduce the destructive power of insect pests to plant tissue.

20. Seed treatment for barseem: - Treat seeds with Rhizobium culture. Mixed one packet of Rhizobium culture in 10% gur solution and then rub this mixture on seeds. Dry them in shade. tryfoli species of rhizobium is used in barseem.

21. Maturity symptoms of sugarcane: - Sugarcane matures in 10-12 month in North India and 18-20 month in South India. Brix value is 16-18 in Dec and Jan at or below 20 degrees centigrade. Different Indicators of harvesting are leaves become yellow, plants stop growing and arrows come out, sugarcane produces metallic sounds, buds swell out and eyes start sprouting.

22. Lancing in opium poppy: - Opium poppy involves lancing and collection of latex from the incised capsule. It is laborious and skilled job requiring considerable manpower to accomplish the task in a short time span. The capsule is the most important organ of the plant as it provides raw opium - a milky exudate.

23. Uses of linseed: - Linseed oil is extracted from flax seeds. It is used in oil paints to make them more fluid, glossy and transparent. It is used as a preservative for wood, concrete, and an ingredient in paints, varnishes, and stains. Linseed Oil is also used in the traditional oil gilding to stick sheets of gold leaf to the substrate.

24. Cousal organism and control of white rust of mustard: - One of the most common diseases in mustard is the White which is caused by Albugo candida.

Management of White rust disease:

F Use seeds that are clean and healthy or certified seeds.

F Get rid of the weeds in and around the field.

F Collect & destroy infected plant parts.

F Do field sanitation.

F Follow long crop rotation with non-host crops.

F Make early plantings (Grow the crop earlier than 20 Oct.)

25. Zinc deficiency symptoms and control in wheat: - Zinc deficiency in wheat appears as intervenial chlorosis on the most recently developed leaves; plants are stunted and produce few tillers; if the deficiency is severe the leaves may turn white and die. The most characteristic reactions of wheat plants to zinc deficiency are reductions in plant height and leaf size.

If there is common yellowness in the wheat crop along with zinc deficiency, then dissolve one kilogram of zinc sulphate and 5 kilograms of urea in 200 liters of water for one acre of field. After this spray the solution. Apart from this, spraying at an interval of 10 to 15 days can complete the deficiency of zinc and nitrogen.

26. Seed rate, sowing time and crop geometry for potato crop: -

Seed rate - 15-20 quantal tuber/hac.

Sowing time - 15-25 October

Crop geometry - 60X20 cm

27. Control amarbel in lucerne: - To control Amarbel in lucerne, spray of paraquat @ 0.2% is done after harvesting and seeds should be treated with 20% salt solution before sowing.

28. Major varieties of wheat and barley in Rajasthan: -

Major varieties of wheat are Sona-Kalyan, Sonera, Sharbati, Kohinoor, and Maxine. Major varieties of barley are Jyoti, Rajkiran and R.S. -6.

29. Priming in tobacco: - In tobacco, generally, lower leaves mature first followed by upper leaves in regular ascending order. Harvesting is done by removing a few leaves as and when they mature. This method of harvesting is known as priming. Cigarette and wrapper tobaccos are harvested by priming.

30. Control measures of powdery mildew: - Locate plants in sunny areas as much as possible, provide good air circulation, and avoid excess fertilizing or use a slow-release fertilizer. Overhead sprinkling actually may reduce the spread of powdery mildew, because it washes spores off the plant. Also, if spores land in water, they die.

31. Weed control in lentil: - Spray early to remove weed competition. A pre-harvest application of glyphosate provides adequate weed control including winter annual and perennial weeds, but the crop will be slow to dry down.

32. Control measures of aphids: - If insecticides are needed, insecticidal soaps and oils are the best choices for most situations. Oils may include petroleum-based horticultural oils or plant-derived oils such as neem or canola oil. These products kill primarily by smothering the aphid, so thorough coverage of infested foliage is required.

33. Optimum sowing time and seed rate for mustard: -

Sowing time - 15 October

Seed rate - 5 kg/hac.

34. Botanical name and family of sunflower: -

B.N. - Helianthus annus

Family- Asteraceae

35.  Fertilizer management in Chickpea: - The generally recommended doses for chickpea include 20–30 kg nitrogen (N) and 40–60 kg phosphorus (P) ha-1. If soils are low in potassium (K), an application of 17 to 25 kg K ha-1 is recommended.

36.  Nitrogen management in oat: - Aply 40 kg nitrogen/ha at sowing time and 40 kg/ha at first irrigation. For multicut varieties 40 kg/ha should be applied after each cut. general addition of 20-25 t/hac FYM be applied 10-15 days before sowing.

37.  Explain piara or utera cropping of linseed: - There is no need for land preparation for „paira or utera crop. Linseed crop can be included in the utera or paira' cropping system after rice crop of kahrif season. It can meet their requirement from stored soil moisture and residual fertility in the soil under „utera or paira system of cropping.

38.  Seed treatment in lucerne: - By FIR (Fungicide + Insecticide + Rhizobium culture) method. Trichoderma culture 6 g/kg or Carbendazim 3 g/kg + Chloropyriphos 4 - 5 ml /kg seed + Rhizobium 3 packets/ha. Melilotaai species of rhizobium is used in lucerne.

39.  Critical irrigation stages of mustard: -

I - Before flowering stage - 25-50 DAS

II -Pod formation stage - 70-75 DAS

40.  Soil required for sugar beet cultivation: - Well drained loam to clay loam fertile soils.

41.  Different planting time of sugarcane: - Sugarcane is planted thrice a year in October (autumn), February-March (spring) and July (adsali).

42.  Crown roots of wheat: - Crown roots are those that form at nodes above the coleoptile node. The internode above the coleoptile node, which elongates to determine the position of the crown, is the sub crown internode. The crown is the series of nodes with short internodes that forms usually below the surface of the soil.


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